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杨仁树 李炜煜 杨国梁 马鑫民

杨仁树, 李炜煜, 杨国梁, 马鑫民. 炸药类型对富铁矿爆破效果影响的试验研究[J]. 仁和测试.
引用本文: 杨仁树, 李炜煜, 杨国梁, 马鑫民. 炸药类型对富铁矿爆破效果影响的试验研究[J]. 仁和测试.
YANG Renshu, LI Weiyu, YANG Guoliang, MA Xinmin. Experimental study on the blasting effects of rich-iron ore with different explosives[J]. Rhhz Test.
Citation: YANG Renshu, LI Weiyu, YANG Guoliang, MA Xinmin. Experimental study on the blasting effects of rich-iron ore with different explosives[J]. Rhhz Test.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51774287);国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0600903);高等学校学科创新引智计划(B14006)




  • 中图分类号: O382.2

Experimental study on the blasting effects of rich-iron ore with different explosives

  • 摘要:



  • Figure  1.  Iron ore specimens

    Figure  2.  TAW-3000 rock testing machine

    图  3  纵波波速测试系统

    Figure  3.  Longitudinal wave velocity test system

    图  4  试验分组

    Figure  4.  Experimental grouping

    图  5  雷管装药

    Figure  5.  Detonator charges

    图  6  炮孔布置

    Figure  6.  Blast hole layout

    图  7  试样破坏形态

    Figure  7.  Sample failure patterns

    图  8  A-2试样爆破后各面爆生裂纹盒维数拟合曲线

    Figure  8.  Fitting curves of box counting dimension for each surface of A-2 sample

    图  9  分形维数对比

    Figure  9.  Fractal dimensions

    图  10  爆破块度分布

    Figure  10.  Blasting fragmentation distributions

    图  11  爆破块度分布对比

    Figure  11.  Comparisos of blasting fragmentation distributions

    图  12  爆破块度分布评价指标

    Figure  12.  Evaluation indexes of blasting fragmentation distribution

    表  1  岩体可爆性分级标准

    Table  1.   Classification standards of rock blastability

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    Table  2.   Blastability evaluation result of high-grade iron ore

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    表  3  炸药参数

    Table  3.   Explosive parameters

    ADDNP16630.561 8113.5291.9760.082
    BDDNP+RDX16590.613 4943.9752.4250.100
    C单发雷管16311.134 1675.1735.8450.242
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    表  4  爆破块度分布函数参数

    Table  4.   Parameters of blasting fragmentation distribution function

    ADDNPA-1268.72.870.964 8
    A-2275.42.920.976 7
    BDDNP+RDXB-1253.65.950.976 0
    B-2249.87.220.976 3
    C雷管C-1230.32.600.962 3
    C-2224.02.540.993 3
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    表  5  爆破块度分布评价指标

    Table  5.   Evaluation indexes of blasting fragmentation distribution

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  • 收稿日期:  2019-10-16
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