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Solution-processed highly adhesive graphene coatings for corrosion inhibition of metals

Son Gi-Cheol Hwang Deuk-Kyu Jang Jaewon Chee Sang-Soo Cho Kyusang Myoung Jae-Min Ham Moon-Ho

,,,,,,,,,,2021. . 震灾防御技术, 1(1):18−23. doi:10.1009/s12274-020-2948-91-24 doi: 10.1009/s12274-020-2948-91-24
Citation: ,,,,,,,,,,2021. . 震灾防御技术, 1(1):18−23. doi:10.1009/s12274-020-2948-91-24 doi: 10.1009/s12274-020-2948-91-24

Solution-processed highly adhesive graphene coatings for corrosion inhibition of metals

doi: 10.1009/s12274-020-2948-91-24
Funds: This work was supported by the 2nd phase of the Fundamental R&D Programs for Core Technology of Materials funded by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) (2015-2016), Future Semiconductor Device Technology Development Program (No. 10044868) funded by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) and Korea Semiconductor Research Consortium (KSRC), Creative Materials Discovery Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT (No. 2017M3D1A1040828), Nano·Material Technology Development Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by Ministry of Science and ICT (No. 2017M3A7B4052798), Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (No. 2015R1D1A1A01058982), and GIST Research Institute (GRI) grant funded by the GIST.
More Information
  • Figure  Figure 1.  (a) Schematic of the preparation process for GO- and RGO-coated metal plates by spray-coating. FESEM images of (b) Cu and (c) as-coated GO/Cu plates.

    Figure  Figure 2.  (a) Photographs of Cu, as-coated GO/Cu, 90 ℃-annealed GO/Cu, 120 ℃-annealed GO/Cu, and RGO/Cu plates before and after immersion in salt solutions for 96 h (scale bar: 5 mm). (b) XRD patterns of Cu, as-coated GO/Cu, 90 ℃-annealed GO/Cu, 120 ℃-annealed GO/Cu, and RGO/Cu plates after immersion in salt solutions for 96 h, together with the XRD pattern of the pristine Cu plate for comparison.

    Figure  Figure 3.  Water contact angles on the surfaces of (a) pristine Cu, (b) as-coated GO/Cu, (c) 90 ℃-annealed GO/Cu, (d) 120 ℃-annealed GO/Cu, and (e) RGO/Cu plates. (f) Comparison of water contact angles for all the samples.

    Figure  Figure 4.  Photographs of as-coated GO/Cu, 90 ℃-annealed GO/Cu, 120 ℃- annealed GO/Cu, RGO/Cu, and 120 ℃-annealed RGO/Cu plates before and after cross-cut tests (scale bar: 5 mm).

    Figure  Figure 5.  (a) C 1s and (b) Cu 2p XPS spectra of as-coated GO/Cu, 90 ℃- annealed GO/Cu, 120 ℃-annealed GO/Cu, and RGO/Cu plates. C 1s and Cu 2p XPS depth profile spectra of (c) as-coated and (d) 120 ℃-annealed GO/Cu plates.

    Figure  Figure 6.  Schematics for the lamellar structures of graphene sheets coated on Cu plates, showing oxygen-based functional groups and Cu-O bonds formed upon post-annealing treatment: (a) as-coated GO/Cu, (b) 90 ℃-annealed GO/Cu, and (c) 120 ℃-annealed GO/Cu plates. The 120 ℃-annealed GO/Cu plate creates a RGO/GO/Cu structure by partial reduction of the GO layer, leading to superior corrosion resistance and adhesion strength.

    Figure  Figure 7.  Cross-sectional TEM images and EDS line-scan profiles of carbon and oxygen in (a) as-coated GO/Cu, (b) 90 ℃-annealed GO/Cu, (c) 120 ℃-annealed GO/Cu, and (d) RGO/Cu plates. (e) Cross-sectional HRTEM images of GO and RGO regions.

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  • 收稿日期:  2018-01-04
  • 录用日期:  2018-03-18
  • 修回日期:  2018-03-04
  • 网络出版日期:  2022-05-23


